Monday, July 28, 2008

I Should Probably post More Often

But to be honest, I can't think of anything to say. I mean seriously, i think I have some sort of  cerebral defect that involves OCD, ADD, and a little of short term memory loss. If something isn't perfect, i have to fix it.... sometimes, and I have the attention span of a goldfish. Plus, I can't remember anything that I'm supposed to for the life of me. I'm not kidding, I will forget entire DAYS for no reason. I'm hungry..........

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Do The Wave!!!!!!!!!

Sorry about the title, I just felt like saying that.  You know what's really difficult? typing and or talking on the phone while listening to music at the same time. Doing all three at the same time is reeeaaaallly hard. I felt kind of stupid while I was doing it because whenever I tried typing, I stopped listening to my friend Kyrii on the phone, so she had to repeat the same thing over and over just because of my horrible multitasking abilities. Ooh Ooh, I just remembered something! Have you ever heard of the book series Vampire Kisses? It's friggin amazing. It's about a 16 year old girl named Raven who is the only goth in her entire town. then, a family of vampires move into this really old mansion on top of a hill. She and the 17 year old son, Alex (who is also a vampire) fall in love, which makes everything complicated because Alex wants to bite Raven so they can be bonded for all eternity, but even though Raven loves him, She doesn't know if she wants to leave behind everything and everyone she loves to be with Alex forever. It sounds really cool doesn't it? Why do I keep asking questions when I know you're not going to respond? Shoot I just did it again!!! Okay, I'm going to stop talking before I make a complete fool of myself.

Friday, July 4, 2008


Uber happiness! I just got a new phone yesterday,and its friggin ninja!!! Its a samsung beat and it looks totally sweet! its a black and electric green flip with an MP3 player. I would put a picture on here, but I'm so bad with computers, I would probably set the monitor on fire while doing so :]


Um is anyone out there? I got like three posts that no one has commented on. i know i probably shouldnt be worried since alot of people dont have any comments on their blog at all, but i usually have one or two comments. im especially freaked out because when i look up my most frequent commenters blog, it comes up blank! samwich oh samwich, come out come out wherever you are! am i that freaky that you have to stop commenting and delete your blog so you can get rid of me? maybe i should be serious about this whole multiple personalities thing.....

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

*Sniffle Sniffle*

I'm uber sad right now, my dad just went to put my dog, teddy, down. *sob* i loveded him uber much...
but it was kind of necissary since was 10 years old, he had epilepsy, and he started barking and biting people. he was a golden cocker spaniel, and he was uber adorable, but he was an old fart. even though he was pretty small, he could take up our entire couch no problem, and he would bark at everything that moved. he was a really good dog though, you could snuggle with him for hours, but if you tried to get up, he would growl at you. lets just say there were ups and downs, but i really loved him, i mean, i picked his friggin name! it was pepsi when we adopted him from the humane society. why didnt we get him at a pet store or something? because we later found out there is always something wrong with the animals you buy from there, and i now protest them :]
he was uber sweet, and i'll miss him alot... ='c


Sorry i haven't been posting lately, my internet decided to die on me the day after i last posted. my mom didn't get it back up until saturday, and my sisters have been hogging the computer since then... they're a little obsessed. and its kind of funny because the day that our computer went down, my mom emailed me saying that our dad is taking us to court on august 5th. that statement right there pretty much sums up the relationship i have with my dad...
but ill talk about that some other time. have you ever heard of john lennon? he was one of the beatles, a famous 60s band from liverpool, that went on to be a radical activist in the war. he was like the ultimate hippie of the 70s. lately ive been watching lots of documentaries and movies on him and the beatles because my sister's friends is obsessed with them. it turns out he was a really amazing person! he created a band with his wife after the beatles broke up called the plastic ono band, which was like the hippie's dream band. he and his wife, yoko ono lennon, dedicated they're lives to peacefully ending the war. he was a truly amazing person, and i was surpised that i'd never heard of him before, especially considering the fact that all my friends call me a hippie since im all like "violence isnt the answer" and theyre all like "yah but its funner!". you sholud seriously look him up, hes really cool
P.S. im changing my signature from silent rocker back to what it was before-ninja hippie!
-ninja hippie