Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This. Is. Pathetic

Why you ask? because i planned this entire post out on notebook paper, airgo the title. this is sad even for me. Seriously, comment on this and tell me if im a total dork or not.
The real reason for this post is to get something off my chest and tell someone about it (even if i dont know you). i was texting my friend crash and this was the conversation we had...
me: so what are you doing?
her:cant tell you'll freak
her:you'll just freak
me:i promise i wont freak... as long as its not drugs or something
her:it aint that god you think im that rebelious?!?! its just im sorta um emo...
her: *nods and cries* im sorry i told you you would freak
well, thats a little bit of it anyway. and if you know what crash's version of emo is, you'll know that means i caught her cutting herself. she told me not to tell anyone, but i think that this is okay since no one i know checks out this blog. im flippin terrified even though i told her that i wasnt freaking out. some good advice would be much appreciated right now. this is reallyweird especially considering the fact that crash is only twelve...
-silent rocker

Monday, June 23, 2008


Sorry about the whole comment before, i was thinkin about it and i got pretty pist when i remembered people actually like that type of music. anyway it probably made everyone sad and it mostly likely gave a few people reason to hunt me down and kick my ass, but thats the price i pay for expressing myself. i really do feel bad for everyone who is too scared to show their true feelings. should stop before i get all mushy gushy. sorry for all the people who put thamselves through enough torture to read this
-silent rocker


Here is a list of my favorite bands.There are alot since my life is dedicated to my music...
-scary kids scaring kids
-the beatles
-the used
there are alot more bands that i cant think of right now especially considering the fact that my whole life revolves around my music. i also want to express my feelings on what i actually think is music. rock and alternative are the two main genres of music that i listen to, because thats what i think is the truest form of the art. the only country singer i listen to is taylor swift, but i still think that its a type of music, more specified for entertaining people than expressing your feelings. yes, pop is music, but i think its extremely annoying. but when it comes to hip hop and rap, my mind i s boggled how anyone can think that is anything more than mindless noise. you cant even call a rap a song because there is no singing. plus you cant really call it music even on a technical level considering that there is no soul in the music.the arts are used to express yourself, but thats not what is happening with what i call "gangsta music" because it is only produced simply to make money and become famous. also, if you listen to the lyrics, they're never about anything worth while to listen to because they are all about sex, drugs, meaningless love, or all of the above. i know i sound like a broken record right now and im amazed your still reading this, but i just thought that i should express my feelings on the subject...
-silent rocker

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Questions Anwsered


okay so this one dude named samwich aka THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAS EVER COMMENTED ON MY BLOG (thank you!!!) just gave me a list of questions and i'm going to answer for you...

Q. whats your favorite band?
A.uuuuuuummmmm i'd have to say flyleaf
Q. whats your favorite color?
A. its a tie between green and purple (thats why those are the colors of my blog)
Q. why did YOU get a blogger?
A. a) it was summer b) i was really bored and c) everyone thought it was unnatural that i didnt like going on the computer.
And there you have it, the answers to three of your most likely many questions.
peace out,
silent rocker

Friday, June 20, 2008

Chuck Norris........um, okay?


okay, so my sister is obsessed with chuck norris- not because she thinks he's hot or anything, but because there are a whole bunch of nifty quotes about him such as...

- the real reason why the dinosaurs are extinct? the chuck nosaurus

-chuck norris makes onions cry

-chuck norris sleeps with a nightlight, not because he's afraid of the dark, but because he's being merciful to the dark which is afraid of him

-chuck norris' tears cure cancer, too bad he's never cried- ever

-chuck norris does not sleep, he waits

-chuck norris is currently sueing NBC, claiming that Law and Order are trademark names for his left and right legs

-the cheif export of Chuck Norris is pain

-if you can see chuck norris, he can see you. if you can't see chuck norris, you may be seconds away from death

-chuck norris has counted to infinity. twice.

-chuck norris doesn't wash his clothes, he disembowels them

-chuck norris is 1/8 cherokee. this has nothing to do with ancestry. he ate a friggin indian

-in fine print on the last page of the Guinness Book of World Records, it notes that all world records are held by chuck norris, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone has ever gotten

Amazingly, those are just a few of the hundreds of quotes my sister has found!

peace out,

silent rocker

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

UBER HAPPINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I AM SO FLIPPIN EXCITED RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally got my blog up after... well... it actually didn't take that long, but I'm still uber happy!!!!thats really all i have to say, but i will keep talking anyway! actually, wait, this is harder than i thought. i'll stop talking right now!
rock on,