Saturday, June 21, 2008

Questions Anwsered


okay so this one dude named samwich aka THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAS EVER COMMENTED ON MY BLOG (thank you!!!) just gave me a list of questions and i'm going to answer for you...

Q. whats your favorite band?
A.uuuuuuummmmm i'd have to say flyleaf
Q. whats your favorite color?
A. its a tie between green and purple (thats why those are the colors of my blog)
Q. why did YOU get a blogger?
A. a) it was summer b) i was really bored and c) everyone thought it was unnatural that i didnt like going on the computer.
And there you have it, the answers to three of your most likely many questions.
peace out,
silent rocker


Anonymous said...

Flyleaf is kickass, did you buy their CD? it was really good, I like breathe today^^
btw, me and my band suck, we've never practiced together and when we do we'll probably sound like the strangulation of... uh...
Chuck Norris;D
oh, and you spelled ANSWERED wrong, lulz love, lulz...

Anonymous said...

Remember: you were the first person to comment on my blog which was much cooler to me cuz I've been on here for forever,
So I should be thanking you^^